Task Name: Expanding Her Pocket
Task Tier: T1
Location: Belator Island
Task Details: The small village of kuroza located on belator island, a small area with its own bank, much like the village itself, the bank is not one of prime real estate, its small shoddy worksman ship fits in with the village, though its vault may not be one of great defence, and the amount kept within the bank may not be of high value, it is still a good place to increase ones funds. Thus Anyanka has taken it upon herself to fill her pockets. The aim is to break in to the bank any way possible and steal as much money as she can. Though of course guards will be situated in the area. The island though somewhat self sufficent recieves help from the main coastal village of Belator island.
Enemies No major boss, Multiple security guards during the break in, and if the alarm is sounded, more will follow. guards = 15-25 and are tier 1 [basic]